Negolevel certification : what is it ?

Designed and administered by Askilab, the Negolevel certification is unique, based on the evaluation of skills around intercultural business negotiation. The test’s innovative system has been designed to be very accurate and cross-disciplinary.

The Negolevel certification evaluates the candidate through 80 questions chosen randomly around the 8 fundamental thematics of negotiation, articulated in 40 sub-themes!

At the end of the certification process, Askilab delivers a detailed and comprehensible assessment report for each candidate in the form of a very precise competency analysis diagram. In this way, the candidate obtains more than just a score and can precisely identify his strengths and weaknesses in negotiating intercultural business deals.

Being unique in its kind, and in the precision of its evaluation, the Negolevel certification is very much in demand on the market.

Negolevel is an intercultural credential that guarantees the validity of your lifetime intercultural skills (with no expiry date)

Benefits of Negolevel certification

  • Takes place remotely from your own smartphone, tablet or computer.
  • Available in French and in English.
  • For all types of public : employees, company managers, recruiters, students, etc…

The candidate obtains :

  • A score out of 800
  • A precise and immediate vision of your level of skills on the 8 main themes of intercultural business negotiation around the 40 key competencies required!
  • An unlimited duration certificate, valid for life!